Fasoli is a Crazy Person

Now that Barstool Investigates: Bussin' With The Boys has been released, I can finally get on with what I've been dying to talk about ever since we finished filming. Nick Fasoli. 

If you don't know Fasoli, he's an camera man/editor/producer at Barstool Sports, and probably (if not definitely) the biggest Barstool fan west of Cliff DiMartino (that's a very inside reference but if you know who Cliff DiMartino you know what I mean). 

We've done these investigations twice now. First we went to New Orleans to stalk Ben Mintz for a couple of days. Then most recently we went to Nashville to "investigate" Bussin' With The Boys. 

Behind the scenes of these videos is a bunch of me and Fasoli arguing with each other, and Fasoli ends up being right 99% of the time. He's very good at his job, and he's the perfect person to work with me. I'm kind of a pussy when it comes to doing things, and he forces me to do stuff. There a lot of footage we never would have gotten if he hadn't pushed me to do so. For example, I did not want to stroll into Will's gym dressed like a cowboy with a video camera and start asking people questions before we had even connected with someone on the phone. I thought that was rude.. But he insisted, so we walked into the gym, the kid at the front desk happened to be a Stoolie, and it went great.

And personally, I wouldn't have reached out to Will Compton and asked him to announce his retirement on Twitter, just so we could add a sort of funny 2-second edit into the middle of our video.

But that's why Fasoli is great at his job. Barstool needs people like him. If we just went with my ideas the video would likely be unwatchable. Barstool needs producers who think Barstool is the most important thing in the world.

But even beyond his unconditional love for Barstool Sports Fasoli is a crazy person. For starters, he owns nothing but Barstool Sports clothing & apparel. For both videos, when we've set out to investigate, when we're supposed to be "undercover", Fasoli is dressed in Barstool clothing head to toe. It could not possibly be more obvious that he's filming something for Barstool Sports. You can clock him from a mile away. I fucked up by not getting a picture of him, but here's me addressing it.

Aside from that, while we were in Nashville, Fasoli and I had a lot of random conversations. I took it upon myself to jot down some of the things he did, and the most ridiculous comments he made throughout the week. Maybe I'm just being a dick, but I feel like some of this stuff was wild. Here's the list.

- On Tuesday, it was raining all day. It was kind of fucking up our man on the street plans. It's was also over 90 degrees. We were sitting in the hotel room and I said, "Hopefully we get better weather tomorrow, but the forecast still doesn't look great." To which Fasoli replied, "We'll be good. It only rained today because of how hot it was. It was a heat rain." For one, 'heat rain' has never and will never be a thing. Secondly, the temperature was the same across the board every day of the week. So even if heat rain was a thing, it was going to be 95 again tomorrow. I thought that was a pretty insane statement.

- We went to Waffle House for lunch one day, and started talking about Hard Knocks. Keep in mind, Fasoli is a huge Boston sports fan. He told me it was stupid that Hard Knocks was doing their documentary on Aaron Rodgers and the Jets, when the story of "who will replace the GOAT in Tampa Bay" is WAY more interesting. He said that Kyle Trask vs Baker Mayfield is a better draw than Aaron Rodgers, simply because Tom Brady used to play for that team. Wild take.

- This one might be true in some states but I've never heard it. He said "Trucks aren't allowed to drive in the left lane". Maybe that's a thing somewhere, but I've certainly never known that to be a law.

- He read the word "Vaughns" as "Voggins"

- We were let into the Nashville Barstool Bar before it opened. For 10 minutes he walked around the restaurant muttering to himself, "Holy shit this is so fucking cool." The dude fucking loves Barstool.

- We were in our separate hotel rooms and he texted me, "Can you find out if the hotel has a printer." - I'm not sure why he deemed me better equipped to obtain this information that he was, but I did call the front desk and confirm printer status.

- On a similar note, he texted me to ask if I could go see what time the continental breakfast ended. Again, not sure why that fell on me. 

- This one is maybe my favorite. Fasoli for the life of him cannot figure out time zones. We almost had a time zone disaster scheduling the Arthur Smith interview. I could write a whole blog on Fasolie fucking up time zones. But I'll just leave it at that for now.

- There is no amount of beeping in the world that will get Fasoli to buckle his seatbelt. 

- At one point we were walking around Nashville. I was holding the Barstool stick mic, and he had his ear buds plugged into the camera. We were half looking for man on the street people to interview, but we weren't actively talking to people. He asked me if I could talk into the stick mic every time I spoke so he could hear it through his headphones, instead of just not having his headphones in. So I was walking down the street directly next to Fasoli, speaking into a microphone so he could hear my voice through his headphones.

- Final thing. We went to Nashville the day after Donnie released this text.

As a result, I'm pretty sure the filming of Barstool Investigates turned into a Fasoli Drone Pilot Redemption project. At one point I was talking to the Barstool bar manager. Fasoli said, I'm gonna go outside and get a couple shots. 45 minutes later I'm still talking to the guy, and Fasoli has covered half of Nashville with his personal drone. 

But to be honest, the shots were pretty sick.

But all that being said, Fasoli is incredible at his job. He does all of the editing on these videos, and it would be impossible without him pushing me to do things, even when I'm very uncomfortable doing so. 

And also here's one more thing from Twitter last night.

I fucking love this guy. Watch the full Barstool Investigates: Bussin' With The Boys here:

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